Questions from @Steven to @0xJustice.eth and all to start thinking about Tokenomics.


I assume some would be issued to the DAO itself and perhaps the foundation because of their roles in the project. The purpose of these would be holding, partnership and any other future uses that make sense. I'm not certain the same would apply to the llc for a variety of reasons.


What are some ways to ensure that the 10+ wallets that have 100+ particles aren't able to be issued or claim an unbalanced quantity of dao tokens allowing for them to push proposals or votes in their favor without adequate community sentiment in a given direction?


What are some thoughts on the total amount of DOA tokens and what is their relationship to the original underlying liita nft.


What are tax implications for the DAO itself? I think Bankless has a 501c3 as part of the DAO, vs. outside of the DAO like our current relationship. If the DAO has its own treasury and potentially has its own expenses, income, profits, etc. Is there a legal way to not file and pay taxes as a DAO? What are others doing? Will this DAO need its own 501c3 or llc that legally files taxes, or is that not a thing?

Credit to @Steven for getting the above ideas rolling.

Need to set up a multisig wallet: .. Concept from Bankless DAO 👇:


Notion: $571 a year (Ken has paid for this year. We’ll need to reimburse him after we get some funds in the multisig.)

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